We all want our homes to give a good impression when visitors arrive at the front door. Having a well-maintained and clean driveway complements not only the property, but the landscaping around it. As a result, this adds kerb appeal and value to your home. However, it may seem a bit daunting to maintain a large hardstanding area. With a well laid out and properly designed driveway, this does not have to be the case. One hour a month is all it takes to keep your driveway looking good.
Brick pavers
Carry out a quick visual check on the driveway once a week. Weeds and greenery that get between the pavers can be dealt with by utilizing a weed killer spray. After this is done, the dead plants can be brushed away using a stiff bristle garden broom. This only takes a couple of minutes every week.
If moss or bird droppings mark the bricks, use a pressure washer with hot water and soap to get rid of the dirt and residue. If moss is appearing regularly, check for overhanging trees or bushes that may be creating damp and shady areas. This environment encourages moss so give these a quick trim. Leaking gutters or drains from the house can also be a problem so keep an eye on these as well.
Concrete driveways
Whether plain concrete, stamped or patterned, or coloured, concrete driveways do look good and are very easy to maintain. Any garden debris or dirt can be quickly swept away using a stiff bristled brush. How often you need to clean it depends on what vehicles you have standing on the driveway, and the amount of traffic passing over.
An important thing to take note is that any leaks such as oil spillage from a car or other fluids, need to be cleaned up straight away. If your driveway is coloured concrete, check with your professional driveway company for the best type of stain remover to use. They will also be able to carry out resealing the driveway, which should be undertaken every 2 years or so. This ensures the concrete maintains its good looks. Other than that, all you have to do is to use a pressure washer to hose down any grime and dirt to leave your concrete driveway looking as good as new.
To remove grime and debris, you need to give the surface a clean with a pressure washer once a week; roughly an hour required for the month. While you are doing this, you will have to check the surface for any cracks or holes appearing. If cold water does not get rid of dirt and contaminants, use a degreaser and some detergent to remove stains. Make sure you rinse off any chemical products with cold water and allow the driveway to dry off, before driving your vehicle across it.
If in doubt, speak to an experienced professional driveway contractor who can properly advise you on the suitable low-maintenance drive to free up your spare time.
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